WYITH INSTITUTE™ has received Board Approval for medical professionals to take their CT and MRI PROFESSIONAL EXAMINATION (nationwide throughout the Philippines) at WYITH INSTITUTE™ in order to satisfy requirements to receive their License to practice Medicine.
And to add to the admirable new projects rolling out at the WYITH INSTITUTE™. Our online school now offers the Red Cross Automatic Electronic Defibrillator (EAD) Online Certification (January 2021). United States of America.
Our esteemed Dr. Raymond Cheng was able to secure a formal agreement that applies to all doctors, nurses and diagnostic radiologists. All medical professionals requiring certification to obtain their Medical License will be taking their exam and receiving their Certifications from our school has its own cryptocurrency (BCR@W) which is a forked version of a cryptocurrency we formerly carried. Now we carry BCR@W and GHR soon to be followed by SETU, a silver based cryptocurrency.
The Philippines Diagnostic Radiology Association give Wyith Institute the contract for MRI/CT Scan so that Doctors, Nurses and Technicians can sit for their exam in order to obtain their Wyith Certificate for their Philippine Government’s Health Department license to practice medicine.
That government has now asked the Wyith Institute to add another HEALTH CARE EXAM for the entire Medical Community. We are extremely proud of Dr. Cheng for having the credentials and business expertise to create such a wonderful agreement.
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We will roll out the use of our new cryptocurrency (GHR) very soon. What this means is that our EDUCATION Department at has now added HEALTHCARE CERTIFICATION to its services. As a new cryptocurrency, GHR will be involved in government size contracts. Governments the world over are finding Blockchains and cryptocurrencies are the new financial tool. They are here to stay!
Thank you Dr. Cheng for your tremendous experience and business expertise. Thank you for taking our cryptocurrencies to world levels!
For Further Information (media and general enquiries):
Maggie Lee (Ms), Programme Manager (Media Contact)
mobile: +852 90995931 (Hong Kong) +853 65868616 (Macao)
For Further Information (business enquiries)
Micaflor Feliciano (Ms) (International Contact, including pan-Asia and the Philippines)
email: mobile: +63 997 781 8351
John Mu (Mr) (Contact for the Oceania region)
email: mobile: +61 433 267 625